Thursday, August 6, 2009

Blind Side

This was sent to me today by my sister. In her gmail instant msg it read "I WANT TO SEE THIS! The preview almost made me cry." For those who don't know my sister, know that she is a woman of few tears. Nothing makes her cry but severe heartache and maybe a bad fever. I had to see what was going on.

Here's the preview

While watching this trailer I couldn't help but feel the Holy Spirit pulling at my heart strings. The questions that flooded my heart were "When did you stop caring and loving like this? When did you become so hard hearted to the needs of others? Are willing to continue to lead an empty life serving only yourself?"

Try those questions on for size.....


Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

I don't know about you, but my heart felt like it wanted to burst! Thank you for this post...I needed the reminder, that what really counts the most is how we treat others...Lord help me to love as You so graciously love us!!