Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Just a glimpse

Unfortunately, more often than not the Spirit nudges my heart to spend time with the Father and I fail to listen or bend in obedience. I can easily drown out the invitation with pretty much anything. It's pretty sad how proficient I am at ignoring His still small voice. At this particular time my most recent obsession is watching Friday Night Lights. ;)

When He calls and I listen there are a few things that normally happen. I'll crawl over to my bed, grab my bible, journal and pen or I'll crawl on the floor near my closet, roll on my back and wait for Him. A few nights ago I waited and listened for Him. The photo below is a view of what I see when I'm down there.

I have no idea why I'm sharing this post with you as this is an incredibly personal space for me, but perhaps my unorthodox way of praying will encourage you to find your 'place' with Him. It's not so much about where you're physically located, but 'where' your heart is in relation to your showing up to be with Him.

No matter how much you may feel like a failure for not being the most ideal Christian, know that it's never too late to show up. He's always willing to hear from us. I'm a repeat offender and speak from so much experience.

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