Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Tuesday Stuff

  • Currently listening to the Cupid Shuffle. I feel like dancing. Check out these blues!!!

  • My brain is fried!
  • I need a girlie vacation!
  • My current music selection (Pitbull) has my brain flying off the deep end! :) that's all I'm gonna say about that!
  • Did you know that I started online dating in mid January? ugh! I pulled all my pictures down this weekend. I'm relatively done - stick a fork in me! (more on this topic later)
  • I miss college, dorm life & the easy carefree attitude of a student. I miss late night movies in my pj's with other dormers. I still can't believe how little sleep I needed then!
  • At this very moment I'm completely content with where I am in life. As I mentioned last night at small group... there's this sweetness about not having to worry about babies that need to be fed, homework that needs to be completed & a husband that needs...I dunno - what do they need! haha but either way I'm sooooo happy that tonight I get to go home and do nothing if I feel inclined to do so.
  • I will however go grocery shopping, go to the gym, & clean up a bit.
  • I might go to Lowe's - I feel like playing in some dirt! I might hang out with a friend tonight. I might read a good book. I might go to bed at 7pm. I might have cereal for dinner. I might not answer my phone tonight. I might go to the dog park. I might pray for my girls. I might watch a movie. I might bake something with way to many calories. I might....I dunno. Let's see where He leads me tonight.


Peggy said...

what? no more online dating?

Anonymous said...

Online dating...been there...done that.

Didn't work for me, but it's worked for some.